The Parish Finance Council assists the Pastor in the proper administration of the finances and material assets of the parish, especially in regard to any strategic planning brought forth by the Pastoral Council.
The Finance Council helps to facilitate the accomplishment of the pastoral priorities identified by the Pastor and the Pastoral Council. The Finance Council helps the pastor to be a good shepherd to the people of the parish and to be a good administrator of the parish goods to accomplish the parish goals.
Parish Pastoral Councils are the primary visioning body of the parish responsible for assisting the pastor in determining the overall mission of the parish.
Corpus Christi parish council membership is determined through a process of selection/election and its members meet monthly to assist the pastor in the following areas:
Discerning and articulating the mission / vision of the parish and establishing the pastoral priorities of the parish
Implementing the parish pastoral priorities
Facilitating the participation of the entire parish community in its mission
Coordinating with commissions the implementation of the parish goals and objectives which flow from the parish mission statement.
Assisting the pastor in developing a framework for parish planning within the structure of the Vicariate and diocesan priorities
In completing the responsibilities, the parish council becomes the coordinating and unifying body of the parish with genuine concern for the welfare of the entire parish.
The Parish Pastoral Council meets every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Rainbow Room in the School on Evergreen.
Our Parish Council President is Christeena Livingston-Long.
The Parish Pastoral Council led the parish through a process of developing a new vision statement, mission statement and a set of five year goals. In June of 2011 the following vision, mission and goals were finalized.
Vision Statement
To share Christ in and through the Church.
Mission Statement
We strive to radiate the presence of Jesus Christ in our parish and community and invite others to join us on our journey.
Five Year Goals
We dedicate ourselves:
to deepen our relationships with the Lord in our faith community through prayer and faith formation and to foster relationships between others and the Lord through our outreach to them.
Note: Leadership development is needed in the areas of prayer, faith formation and outreach.
Parish Unity
We commit ourselves to form a unified church family
by celebrating our past histories and cultures and
by integrating and combining our many liturgies, ministries, groups and activities.
Youth and Young Adults
We, each and every member of Corpus Christi Parish, pledge to help
deepen the bonds of our youth and young adults with their faith community
by providing opportunities for spirit filled formation and
by providing age-appropriate leadership development.
Note: Youth and young adults include all those from birth through young families.